Legal Tech Colab | News & Updates

Thank you for taking interest in the Legal Tech Colab! By signing up you will be informed about the latest activities of the Legal Tech Colab network, receive event suggestions, learn about the journey of our start-up teams and get information about entrepreneurship opportunities! 

The Legal Tech Colab is an entrepreneurial innovation hub for start-ups with law at the heart of their business model. We provide all the resources talents and start-ups need to succeed as a LegalTech, FinTech, InsurTech, GovTech, RegTech or TaxTech start-up. The joint initiative of Georg Eisenreich, Bavarian State Minister of Justice, UnternehmerTUM and TUM Venture Labs supports entrepreneurial talents in the field of legal tech, offering an entire ecosystem with the necessary development environments. 

For additional updates on our initiative, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn!
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